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Join the Wellness Warriors Tribe

Women’s Health and Wellbeing Services with sponsorship from the City of Gosnells launched a new recreation program in February 2020 called Wellness Warriors. The program aims to support women in their quest to achieve stronger physical and mental health. Each week of the 10 week program, the women will visit a variety of community venues to try a range of sport, recreational and fitness activities. It’s all about having fun and giving it a go – no experience necessary!

By nature, women are social creatures so this program gives women a chance to meet other women and make new friends. A lot of laughter is shared while everyone joins in the activity together and then there is time to share a cuppa afterwards.

Wellness Warriors will return in Term 3 on Thursdays mornings, 10am-12noon. Most of the venues are located within the City of Gosnells. All the activities are pre-arrranged by WHWS’s Health Promotion Officer, Janet Whitfield. Upon registration, women receive a copy of the program and meet Janet each week at a different venue. In Term 3 the Wellness Warriors Tribe will have the opportunity to experience walks, yoga, laughter wellbeing, self defense, body balance, bike riding, line dancing, tennis and mini golf.

Any adult woman is welcome to join the tribe. It will appeal to mothers of early primary school children who want to become more physically active and find a new circle of friends. The program is equally aimed at older women or carers who are seeking a regular activity that they can look forward to each week for themselves.

Tribe members from Term 1 appreciated having all the activities organised for them and loved being able to try a class at a fitness centre or sports club without committing to a series of classes or a full season membership. All the women reported having such a lot of fun together which left them feeling good for days. Many of the tribe members will be returning in Term 3 and will give a warm welcome to all new Wellness Warriors.

Women can register for the 10 week term for $100 at or book into individual activities for a casual fee of $15 by phoning 9490 2258 (24 hours notice is required for all activities).


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Women's Health & Wellbeing Services

P: 08 9490 2258

F: 08 9490 1365


Suite 7, Level 1 Gosnells Community Lotteries House

2232c Albany Highway Gosnells WA 6110

© 2021 by Women's Health and Wellbeing Services. 

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