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Covid-19 Information

In the event of a lockdown or mandatory mask regulations due to the changing Covid 19 situation, WHWS will conduct all session via telephone or telehealth sessions.


We understand that face to face sessions are ideal, but for your safety and the safety of our therapists, we appreciate you staying home during this time. Communication can actually be better over telehealth phone call or video, as it means no prolonged mask wearing during your session.


When restrictions ease, we can resume in person sessions. Thank you so much for your understanding and flexibility during restrictions. If we can answer any questions or support you further during this difficult time, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at  or by calling 94902258.

Mental Health Support

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WHWS specialise in supporting women, families and children's mental and emotional health. Offering individual, couples, family and children's counselling in Gosnells as well as parenting programs, groups and courses, professional services, EAP and supervision.

Counselling & Support from pregnancy to 4years


Supporting mental health of women and families in the perinatal period (from conception to 4 years old) with in-person, telephone and telehealth counselling. Supporting your parenting journey with attachment based parenting groups, classes and workshops


Support in your workplace

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The incidence of mental health issues is increasing, it is impacting the work force, it is impacting our relationships, it is impacting our children. You can’t be an expert in all aspects of mental health. What we do is talk to you about the areas of concern and come up with a tailored plan so that we can support you and the people you support to better mental health.

Self Paced Online Learning

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The Hidden World of You offers you a portal for personal growth and self discovery through our online content, videos, workshops, work books focusing on the life areas of Mental Health, Motivation and Emotional Health, Parenting and Sex and Relationships you can work at your own pace to be the best version of yourself.



The Hidden World of Women is focused on bringing awareness to the experiences of women. There is no shame, no secrecy. Just women talking openly about their and our experiences. We want to let women know that you aren’t alone, we want to bring awareness and shine hope for women.


"My negative emotions (anxiety, fear, grief, shame) are now appropriately linked to an event in my life and no longer carried around in me every day - I am more patient, gentler, more understanding and kinder, to both those around me, and to myself."

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"One of the valuable and positive changes I have learnt from my therapist is to always see the flipside in all situations. Completely life changing advice every fortnight. My children have also learnt so much and we have put strategies in place at home to deal with situations that arise. I feel so blessed and grateful to have had the opportunity to access counselling through this centre and our therapist."

Cricket Match

"I am feeling better equipped to cope with the anxiety my daughter's birth triggered. I am learning strategies to work through my divorce and also ways to keep my mental health strong.

I am learning it is ok to be selfish and put me first in some situations.

i now look after myself as a priority. I exercise more eat better don't isolate as much   enjoy becoming healthier and happier."

Women's Health and Wellbeing Services specialise in supporting women, families and children's mental and emotional health. Offering individual, couples, family and children's counselling in Gosnells as well as parenting programs, groups and courses, professional services, EAP and supervision.

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