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Sex Therapy Counselling

Sex therapy is like other forms of counselling which aims to provide a comfortable non-judgmental atmosphere to discuss any issues relating to your sexuality, intimate relationships, or sexual self-esteem. Many of us carry emotional baggage around our sexuality. Therapy can offer an opportunity to unpack issues, expand our erotic repertoire and bring back a sense of pleasure and connection to ourselves and with others

Sex therapy is available to individuals or couples. Issues for individuals may include: body image, performance anxiety, sexual identity/expression/ self-esteem, gender identity, issues related to desire, orgasm, sexual trauma, etc.

Issues for couples may include: emotional intimacy, mis-matched libidos, infidelity, managing rejection, communication and expression of desires/ preferences, etc.



Counselling services at Women’s Health and Wellbeing services costs: 

- $123.25 concession individual ($35 gap)

- $143.25 individual ($55 gap)

- $143.25 concession couples ($55 gap)

- $173.25 couples ($85 gap)

Please see our counselling referral page for fee information



Women's Health & Wellbeing Services

P: 08 9490 2258

F: 08 9490 1365


Suite 7, Level 1 Gosnells Community Lotteries House

2232c Albany Highway Gosnells WA 6110

© 2021 by Women's Health and Wellbeing Services. 

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