Making Peace with Food
Have you struggled for years with your relationship with food and feel stuck in a pattern of guilt, shame and frustration towards yourself? Have you ever felt like you are the only one who can’t get it together, the only person who can’t just resist the urge for ice-cream, or who ends up eating a second serve when you are already totally full? If so, you are not alone. However, chances are that when you have done the thing that you promised yourself you would ‘never do again’ that’s exactly how you feel…. totally alone.
It is in these moments that we often start to visualize the people who seem to have it “all together” and for whom food isn’t a problem. We start mercilessly beating ourselves up thinking ‘what is wrong with me that I can’t be like them’? My own experience has shown me that this stuff is often hard to talk about with others. Perhaps you have tried to talk to others and it hasn’t helped or maybe they even responded badly and made it all feel so much worse. This just makes those thoughts that ‘I am the only one’, ‘there must be something wrong with me’, and ‘this is never going to get better’ seem really true.
For me those thoughts used to be true but fast forward a few years and I have come to realize that loads of women struggle with how they feel about themselves, heaps of people struggle with developing a healthy relationship with food and that when we bring people together to share this struggle and talk about it we can often come up with ways to move forward and things do actually change.
I believe this is true not just for me… but for you too and that’s why at Women’s Health we have developed a group called ‘Making Peace with Food’. It’s an 8-week course where women come together to talk about how to change patterns of self-criticism and develop a new self-compassionate approach to their eating struggles. This has been proven to be a more effective motivator in making lasting changes.
So if you’ve found that willpower and diets alone are not enough and you are like I was and are sick of struggling alone, perhaps it’s time to try a new way. Now you will have to act fast, (not just because I suspect you’ll talk yourself out of it if you wait too long) because the first (fully bulk billed) group for 2017 is due to start this coming Thursday 16th February and it would be great to see you there. To secure your place or ask any questions feel free to give us a call on 9490 2258.